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School Reopening Thursday 29th August 2024


Kilgarriffe NS School Holiday Calendar 2024/25

Reopens Thursday 29th August'24 at 8:55am for all classes and we hope that you have all enjoyed the Summer.

Maths Curriculum Day: Thursday 3rd Oct'24 School closed for day for children

Halloween Midterm: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November'24

Christmas Holidays: Friday 20th Dec'24 (12 noon) - Sunday 5th January'25

February Bank Holiday: Monday 3rd February'25

February Midterm: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February'25

St. Patrick's Day: Fri 17th March'25

Easter Holidays: Fri 11th April (12 noon) - Friday 25th April'25

May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May'25

June Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd June'25

Summer Holidays: Thursday 26th June'25 (12 noon)


Staffing for 2024/25

Mrs. Susan Hanbidge (Principal) (Junior Infants, Senior Infants & 1st Class)

Mrs. Clodagh Nicholson (Deputy principal) (2nd & 3rd Class)

Miss. Elaine Buttimer (4th, 5th & 6th Class)

Mrs. Sheila Hoare (SEN teacher)

Mrs. Daphne Sutton (part time EAL teacher)

Mrs. Joyce O’Driscoll (SNA)

Mrs. Tina Holland (SNA)

Mrs. Heather Wilson (Secretary)


Morning Drop off (8:55-9:15am.. please DO NOT come earlier than this, thank you)

Follow our usual drop off protocol, enter set down area coming down the hill.

Drop off child & wait in your car to ensure your child has gone through the school gate, before continuing out the exit downhill.

Please do not park in the ‘set down’ area or in the staff parking area.

If you need to walk a young child to the school door, please park on the roadway to the left below the school & walk up with your child. 


Afternoon Collection Time

At the end of the school day:

  1. Infants will be given to the person collecting them at the school gate by a teacher at 2pm. (1pm for Junior Infants for the first 2 weeks)

  2. Older children travelling on buses will leave each classroom at 2:55pm for their bus. Other children will line up in school yard in their own class groups until they are released by teacher to the person collecting them, after the school bus have departed at 3pm.


All car users, please do not arrive early and block the bus access & exit. Follow our usual drop off/collection protocol by entering set down/ collection area from above, coming down the hill & remain in your car until your passengers come out to you. Once seatbelt is on child, continue out the exit downhill. Please do not get out of your vehicle unless you’re helping a child with their seat belt. No children will be released to cars parked on the road or facing the wrong way as this is dangerous and blocks the road for other road users.


Anyone getting out of a vehicle or walking outside the school gate, please be aware of traffic entering and exiting the school collection point.

Once your child leaves the school gate, it is your responsibility to ensure their safety in the collection area and on the road.

Please do not allow children to climb on the school walls and gate area outside the school. 


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