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Fair Trade School

For Fair Trade forthnight in 2019, our school worked to become one of the Fair Trade schools in Clonakilty, which was the first Fair Trade town in Ireland. We learned about Fair Trade & how this organisation helps to ensure that farmers in other poorer countries get a 'fair' price for their products from our richer countries.


In 2019 the focus was on 'Banana Farmers'. We bought Fair Trade Bananas & learned to recognise the Fair Trade symbol, so we will be able to recognise other Fair Trade products when shopping in the supermarkets.

We had fun creating 'Banana Characters' for art & afterwards eating these & making banana milkshakes.... yum!!


We made lots of posters to inform others about Fair Trade & took part in the Clonakilty Schools Fair Trade Poetry Competition, which will be judged by the poet John Lordan.


Our teachers also made sure they have Fair Trade tea & coffee in the kitchen to serve for their breaks.


We were delighted to achieve our 'Fair Trade School Status' in May 2019, becoming one of the official 'Fair Trade Schools' within Clonakilty Town.


During Fair Trade Fortnight in March 2020, we learned about Fair Trade Chocolate and had a visit from chocolatier Allison Roberts, who makes all her artisan chocolate 'Exploding Tree' from fair trade cocoa beans, honouring the work of cocoa farmers and making sure they receive a fair price for their product.
Fair Trade Easter by Rosanna 3rd Class
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